BW57266 Fast Set:n käyttöohj valmistajalta Bestway

Bestway BW57266 Fast Set-tuotteen käyttöoppaan osa suomeksi:
Incorrect conations to set up the pool: • On uneven gcund the pod may cd lapse causing serious personal injury and/cr damage to personal property and vdl void the warranty and prevent any service daims • Sand should not be used to create a level base the gourd must be dug cut if necessary • D reca y under overhead power lines or trees Be sue the location does not contam undergound utility pipes lines or cables of any kmd • Do not set up the pool on drrveways decks platforms gravel or asphalt sufaces...
Bestway BW57266 Fast Set
Valmistaja: Bestway
Malli: BW57266 Fast Set
Käyttöohjeen koko: 19.8 MB
Kategoriat: Sekalaista

Hae käyttöohjeet


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